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Setting up the template map

This step uses the template map but will still be useful if you're working with your own map, although some parts might not apply.

Making the map

  • Open your project in Noggit if you haven't already.
  • On the bottom left click "Add New Map".
  • In the map directory field enter custommap.
  • In the map name input you can put anything you want e.g. My New Map.
  • Hit Save.
  • It will warn you about the map being empty, just hit Yes.
  • Close Noggit.

Getting the template map

  • Go to the #guide-resources channel in our Discord and go to the Mega link under "Template Maps".
  • Download and extract CustomMap(335).zip to your Noggit project folder in the subdirectory world/maps/. The eventual path for the various WDT/WDL/ADT files in the zip should look like this: Noggit Project Folder/world/maps/CustomMap/custommap.wdt.
  • If you are targeting Epsilon or Arctium, download and extract CustomMap(Modern).zip to the Epsilon folder/_retail_/patches or Arctium folder/files directory.
  • Download custom-listfile.csv and put it in the MapUpconverter directory in a subdirectory called meta (it should already exist from the last set up step).

Setting up for conversion

  • Open MapUpconverterGUI.exe from the MapUpconverter directory.
  • After opening, on the bottom right a few files need to be downloaded. Hit the Download buttons for files that still need to be downloaded. Based on internet speed, this might take a minute (listfile is 100MB+).
  • Set the input directory to your Noggit project folder.
  • Set the output directory to where the converter should save converted files.
  • Set the map name to "custommap".
  • Set the export target, when targeting Epsilon/Arctium select one of those, if you just want it output to a folder select "Generic".

Note: When using Epsilon/Arctium export targets, the output folder setting is ignored and the converter instead outputs files to Epsilon folder/_retail_/patches/EpsilonPatchName or Arctium folder/files/ArctiumPatchName depending on what you set in the Epsilon/Arctium-specific settings tab.

  • When done, hit Save Settings.

Arctium/Epsilon-specific settings

When using Arctium/Epsilon integration you will need to set up some other things in the MapUpconverter as well.

  • In the Epsilon/Arctium directory enter the folder that Epsilon.exe or Arctium WoW Launcher.exe are in.
  • In the patch name enter CustomMap, this should match the name of the extracted folder from CustomMap(Modern).zip.
  • For the WDT FileDataID field targeting WoW versions 8.x-9.x you should enter WDT FileDataID 1949764 (Map ID 1925).